Galapagos 2024. Part 3

7/1/2024 cont…

In the afternoon we went to the Isla Plaza Sur where we had a great afternoon walk.There were many breeding birds and Iguanas.

Red-billed Tropicbird

Swallow-tailed Gull

Nazca Booby


Elliot’s Storm-Petrel

Land Iguana


Today we are visiting the Charles Darwin Foundation on the island of Santa Cruz.

We then had a bike ride to our nest destination where we shown how they make moonshine.

We then had lunch at Rancho El Manzanillo in the highlands. There were lots of wild giant tortoises here.

We then had some time to explore the town of Puerto Ayora. There was an amazing fish stall there that attracted the attention of Frigatebirds, Sealions, Lava Gulls, Brown Pelicans and Lava herons as well as tourists.

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