Scotland 2015 (part 2)

We then drove to the Isle of Lewis, firstly to Stornoway to look for Iceland Gulls in the harbour. There were at least 5 around the harbour and whilst there a White Tailed Eagle flew over. Later in the day we drove to Tiumpan Head and the Butt of Lewis. There was a white Billed Diver off of Sgigersta Harbour. The following day it was the early morning ferry to Ullapool, and then a drive out to Stoer Head. We then took the road across the top of Scotland in mainly rainy conditions until the evening when it brightened up a bit. We stopped to look at Smoo Cave and stayed the night in Tongue. The next day was a lovely sunny day and we were able to see how nice an area Tongue was, we even drove back the way we had come the previous day to see the scenery in better conditions.



Iceland gulls




White tailed Eagle


Tiumpan Head Lighthouse

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Butt of Lewis Lighthouse

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Stoer Head lighthouse


Smoo Cave

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Rock Dove


Northern Scotland

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